#15 – Examining Library 2.0

The idea of Library 2.0 is backward-thinking and obsolete. It’s an attempt to jump on the bandwagon, and misses extraordinarily.

This isn’t to say they aren’t headed in the right direction. On the contrary, the idea of Library 2.0 is most useful when trying to sell the concept to those who’d reject any sort of advancement or change: it’s catchy, it’s easy to remember, and it shares its title with several other buzz phrases making headlines.

The simple fact, though, is that this is all a poor attempt to merely catch up with the public, who will no doubt be far, far ahead of us by then.

First of all, buzz terms will only refer to relevant items when the term is invented after the trend, not the other way around like Library 2.0. Just by naming this “movement” after something already established is proof positive that we are not, in fact, embracing innovation, but merely settling for a standard that is already 4 years old.

For those of us actually hoping for some semblance of innovation and advancement, this is the definition of tragedy.

People, I can trick ‘em into thinking anything